More Muslims living in Western countries are coming forward to condemn ISIS. The latest example is the Birmingham Islamic Society in Hoover, Alabama. The BIS released a statement to that reads: "The Birmingham Islamic Society would like to reiterate its condemnation of the un-Islamic and morally repugnant violence of the so-called extremist group ‘ISIS,’” the statement said. “Last month, BIS had expressed solidarity with several American Islamic organizations that condemned the killing of journalist James Foley by ISIS and had called for Steven Sotloff’s immediate release. “No words can describe the horror, disgust and sorrow felt by Muslims worldwide and in America at the unconscionable violence perpetrated by the terror group ISIS in the name of religion. The criminal actions of ISIS are antithetical to the faith of Islam. “Such brutal acts must face redoubled efforts by people of all faiths and backgrounds to promote peace and justice and to ...
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