On Wednesday, the international Christian association Caritas Politica in conjunction with the University of Religions in the Iranian city of Qom organized a conference in Rome, entitled "Justice, Solidarity and Development in the three great monotheistic religions". The event was attended, among others, by Iran's ambassador to the Holy See, two members of the Iranian Parliament representing the Jewish and Christian minorities and several prominent theologians from the Islamic, Christian and Jewish faiths. The assembly discussed the importance of solidarity in human development with the objective of creating a culture of peace at a global level. During the conference the Iranian Ambassador to the Holy See warned that we need to pay close attention to the detrimental effects of secularism particularly on the youth. He stressed that confining the role of religion to the private domain of the individuals can be extremely dangerous. Christian theologian Monsignor Vincenzo Formenti warned that a world which focuses on profit over people's human values is a dysfunctional place and only a common action inspired by monotheistic religions can seriously tackle the issue. Everybody agreed a joint socio-economic development model is necessary to overcome third-world problems and improve socio-economic conditions in ...
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