A Jewish family driving through a Palestinian village in the West Bank on Saturday night was pelted with rocks by the residents of the village. But after losing control of their car and flipping over, they were surprised to find that the passersby that came to offer them their help were also Palestinians. Yedaya Sharchaton, 25, and his wife Hadassah, 24, were traveling with their one-year-old daughter Nitzan from Jerusalem to their home in Yatir, south of Hebron. Shortly after midnight, while driving through the Palestinian village Beit Umar, Palestinians hurled large rocks at the family's car. One of the rocks, the size of a melon, broke through the windshield and hit Yedaya in the face as he drove. He lost control of the car that veered sideways, hitting the safety barrier, flipping over and landing in a ditch on the side of the road. "We came home from spending Shabbat with Yedaya's parents," Hadassah told Yedioth Ahronot, recounting the moments of horror. "All of a sudden I heard a big boom, and we were hit with a lot of glass shards. The car flipped over. I was screaming like a madwoman until we landed on the roof, and then it became quiet. Nitzan was crying for a while and then she became quiet. I asked Yedeya, 'Are you okay? What about Nitzan?' - but he was confused and wasn't making sense." While the family was trapped in the car, Hadassah noticed Palestinian passersby walking towards them, and became afraid. But there was no reason to fear. The Palestinians, who noticed she was frightened, calmed her down: "Lady, don't worry. We came to help you," they told her. "I have a baby in ...
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