ONTARIO — CTV News of Southwestern Ontario named Mennonites and Muslims “Local Heroes” on Feb. 15.
CTV News found these “behind the scenes” people, according to the news report, through the MennoMedia documentary, Waging Peace: Muslim and Christian Alternatives. Part of the documentary was shot in part in Waterloo, Ontario.
In addition to interviews with Mennonite and Muslim leaders, the news report video shows Mennonites and Muslims kneeling to pray. "We had a screening in the basement of the Islamic Center of Cambridge (Ont.) where this footage was shot," said Sheri Hartzler, Waging Peace executive director. "The screening was held in the basement and when the call to prayers came at the beginning and end of the screening event, Mennonites were invited to join the Muslims in attendance for prayers in the Prayer Hall." The one-hour documentary aired in 2011 on ABC-TV stations. It was produced by Third Way Media, a department of MennoMedia.
"Any time we can come together to work for the betterment of other people, those are the heroes" .... Read more
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