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Abrahamic Alliance International envisions a world where all Jews, Christians, and Muslims co-exist peacefully, uniting to save lives and alleviate poverty together.

AAi began with a simple dream that compassionate collaboration between Jews, Christians, and Muslims can build lasting bridges of understanding and respect between our communities.

By uniting to serve the poor in obedience to divine commands we all share, our grassroots movement is showing the world that peaceful coexistence between Jews, Christians, and Muslims is not a naive and distant dream, but a growing and present reality here and now.

AAi seeks brave Jews, Christians, and Muslims, as well as brave synagogues, churches, and mosques, ready to rise above the political pressures and stereotypes that seek to divide us. Join AAi to show the world together that we cannot only peacefully coexist, but we can collaborate in compassion תיקון עולם‎ and صدقة  to serve our neighbors in need.

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