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UPDATED 1/31/2022

Thank you for volunteering with Abrahamic Alliance International. We are so thankful for your help! Your health and safety is our number one priority. Please review our updated volunteer safety health and safety information before your volunteer day.

Stay Home If You’re Sick

If you are feeling unwell, show symptoms such as a cough, sore throat, shortness of breath, fatigue, nausea, or fever, or if you have been exposed to someone with symptoms in the last 14 days, please stay home. Staying home is the best way to protect your fellow volunteers, AAi staff, and community. 

Vaccine Verification and Site Entry

All volunteers participating in any in-person activities are required to provide either proof of full vaccination against COVID-19 or a negative PCR or Antigen test administered within 72 hours of in-person activities. Before entering an AAi volunteer site, our staff will ask you to complete this COVID-19 Screening Form and show proof of vaccination or a negative COVID-19 test. If you are unable to show proof of vaccination or a negative test you will not be able to volunteer.

  • AAi considers an individual fully vaccinated two weeks after their second dose in a two-dose series of COVID vaccine, such as the Pfizer or Moderna vaccines, or two weeks after a single-dose vaccine, such as the Johnson & Johnson vaccine.
  • All in-person volunteers will be asked to show proof of vaccination or negative test before starting their in-person volunteer activity. Acceptable methods include: physical COVID-19 Vaccination Card (or a copy), California digital COVID-19 vaccination record, negative COVID-19 PCR or Antigen test within the previous 72 hours.
  • If you have questions about testing or need to find a COVID-19 testing location, more information can be found at: 
  • In addition to vaccination requirements, AAi staff and volunteers are required to continue to follow state and county masking and distancing guidelines.

See to install your proof of vaccination on your smartphone.

After your vaccination or negative test has been verified, site staff will check you in to volunteer.

Face Coverings

In addition to vaccination/testing requirements, all volunteers are required to bring a face covering and wear it in line with state and county guidelines.

Social Distancing

Staff and volunteers are asked to maintain at least 6 feet distance when possible.

Hand Washing, Cleaning, and Sanitizing

Volunteers are encouraged to wash their hands often with soap and water or use hand sanitizer if soap and water are not available, and cover their cough or sneeze with your sleeve, not your hands. Handwashing stations and hand sanitizer will be available for frequent cleaning throughout the day. If you have hand sanitizer, please bring it for yourself.


Please bring multiple water bottles with enough water for your volunteer time. For safety, we have discontinued the use of communal water sources.

What to Bring

Vaccine Verification or proof of negative COVID-19 test

  • Face covering
  • Water 
  • Hand sanitizer (if you have it. This will also be available on-site).

And Always Remember to Wear:

  • Closed-toed shoes
  • Layers for fluctuating weather
  • Hat and rain jacket for outdoor activities (optional)


AAi Vaccination Policy & FAQ

The health and safety of our staff, volunteers, and community continue to be of upmost importance to Abrahamic Alliance International (AAi). Over the last 18 months we have taken steps to ensure this safety while continuing to serve our community. Now, as Covid-19 vaccinations are widely available, we are implementing a new phase in our COVID-19 Prevention Policy.

Effective February 1, 2022, all volunteers participating in any in-person activity are required to provide either proof of full vaccination against COVID-19 or a negative PCR or Antigen test administered within 72 hours of in-person activities.

  • AAi considers an individual fully vaccinated two weeks after their second dose in a two-dose series of COVID vaccine, such as the Pfizer or Moderna vaccines, or two weeks after a single-dose vaccine, such as the Johnson & Johnson vaccine.
  • All in-person volunteers will be asked to show proof of vaccination or negative test before starting their in-person volunteer activity. Acceptable methods include: physical COVID-19 Vaccination Card (or a copy), California digital COVID-19 vaccination record, or a negative COVID-19 PCR or Antigen test within the previous 72 hours.
  • In addition to vaccine requirements, AAi staff and volunteers are required to continue to follow state and county masking and distancing guidelines. 

If you have questions about testing or need to find a COVID-19 testing location, more information can be found at:

The new vaccine guidelines apply to all in-person volunteers and are subject to change. This same policy is in effect for AAi staff. Along with vaccinations, volunteers are asked to continue to follow ongoing COVID-19 safety protocols:

  • Stay home if you are sick or feeling unwell.
  • Hand Washing & Sanitizing: Volunteers are encouraged to wash their hands often with soap and water or use hand sanitizer if soap and water are not available and cover their cough or sneeze with your sleeve, not your hands. Frequently touched surfaces will be cleaned regularly.
  • Face Coverings: Volunteers are required to bring a face covering to their shift and wear it in line with state and county guidelines—currently, all volunteers must wear a mask while indoors, regardless of vaccination status.
  • Social Distancing: Maintain distance from others when possible.


Whom does the COVID-19 Volunteer Vaccination Policy affect?

All volunteers who are participating in an in-person volunteer activity must abide by the updated volunteer vaccination policy.

Why does the COVID-19 Vaccination Policy apply to volunteers?

In efforts to keep our team, clients, and volunteers safe, we are implementing a vaccination requirement to minimize the risk of COVID-19 in our community.

How do I show I am in compliance with the volunteer vaccination policy?

Volunteers will need to show proof they are full vaccinated against COVID-19 or have received a negative test. Acceptable methods include: physical COVID-19 Vaccination Card (or a copy), California digital COVID-19 vaccination, or results from a negative PCR or Antigen test taken within 72 hours of in-person activities.

What if I cannot show proof of vaccination or negative test?

If you are unable to show proof of vaccination or a negative test you will not be able to volunteer for that shift. Please be sure to have one of the acceptable methods of proof with you at the start of your volunteer shift. Exemptions are not available for volunteers.

If I qualify for an exemption from the COVID-19 vaccination with my employer, can I volunteer in-person?

Yes. In this case you will need to show results from a negative PCR or Antigen test taken within 72 hours of in-person activities.

Do negative results from a self-test (sometimes referred to as home test) count as an acceptable proof of a negative test?

No, at this time we are not accepting negative results from self-administered tests. If you need to find a COVID-19 testing location, more information can be found at:

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